Thursday, January 19, 2023

Anal Torture Part 1

 Anal Torture Part 1

I awoke in a locked room, still gagged & bound ankles to wrist,  & a leather harness around my waist.  The belt had a large, rubbery prong, 7" long, wide but not TOO wide, built in where it would...  assert itself...  up your asshole while you were wearing it. I tried to expel it; but it was well bound about my rectal area.  How long had I been in here?  It felt like the next day.   I'd
been awake only a few minutes...  Ken the Red walked in, & shut & locked the door behind him.  He had a huge box with him.  From it, he first produced several large jars of vaseline.  He sat on my legs, greased all of one big hunk  into my asshole, then ungagged me.  In a mirror on one wall near me, I could see he had produced a pool cueball, as well as a sizeable Dildo.  The dong was 7" tall & 3" wide. Ooohhh...  OOOOOHH!!!  I felt my sphincter stretch unwillingly as he prodded the ball against my bottom.  he got a paddle UHOH!  NOT 'WHAPP!!' "AIIIEEE!!!!" I yowled as the spank flared me open & forced the ballThrough right up my rectum.  The tapered tip of the plug...  WHAMM!!  "OOWWWW!!!" The plug pierced my hole, driving the cueball deeper as it flared my rectum open again & sheathed itself up my anus.  OOW...  OOWOOO...  OOOO...  My spanking continued...  what was happening to me?  I hated it...  it felt...soooo...  good...  had to fight it...  don't want to like it...  I jerked away, forcing Red to roll off me as I rolled away from him, turning onto my back & pushing the dildo & ball out of my asshole.

.  "WHAMMM!!" Stars spun before my eyes as a fist connected with my asshole ring.  "Bitch.  You'd better start learning.  Otherwise..." he got out a two-piece pool cue stick you could screw together, & unceremoniously shoved the base at the stick's bottom up my asshole....  owww.  ooo...  aahgghhh...  errgghh....  after a bit, he swapped the pool cue out for two long, tapered 1 inch wide candles, & continued...ummmphhh...  then...  tiring of the thin candles, he got out a 9" lobg  x 4"wide  super smooth rubber shaft & puussshhhed.....  oww...  errgghhh...  OOOOOHHHHH....he jackhammered it hard...  so hard...  couldn't hang on...  lube.. drying...  more grease...  it's starting to hurt...  my reluctant pleasure turned to pain as the friction heated up my rectal ring...  my sphincter felt like it was on fire...soon I lost all rectal control  he continued....  I couldn't help but cry out as the once humiliating pleasure became almost damaging my asshole...  "Owww!! OWW!!  OW!  OWWW!!  OW!!  STOP!  STOOOPP IIIIITTT!!!  OHHHMYASSHOLE PLEEEASE!!!
Red mercilessly brutalized my asshole for several minutes more, then pulled it out, wiped me with a rag, & showed it to me.  "See this?  Your asshole is ruined already and we just started your rectal training, you'd better shape up & get with the program.  Resistance is useless." He
gagged me once again, put a dog collar around my neck, attached a leash to it & led me to another room. I was laid spred out doggy style on an examination table I felt the huge dildo like Red had just used on me just outside my battered asshole...  must be on a piston rod like the one they used last night...  the dongs were slippery & greasy...WHUMP!!!  AAAMMMPPHHHPH!!!!!  I wailed through my gag & fought to free myself as that dong forced up my asshole on one big thrust into my colon...  my rectum felt sooo...  fulll...  my asshole impaled firmly on that pole...  it was were held firmly in place...  couldn't pull off of them...  an eternity passed with my asshole split open at 3-1/2 inch wide
I felt a greasy wetness...  it began to slowly pump me...  then pound...  It began to spin...  my mind exploded...  my body followed suit...  my bowels rumbled...  my cock rock hard...  detonating off from anal... I gushed cum & pee over my rectal pounding prick...  'BITCHES!' I thought...  'Make me come from anal...  make me enjoy this...  hate it...  hate you...  ' I fought & fought to free my body as my body overrode my will.....

Ater a while of enduring being tag-teamed punch fisted, by Red and his assistants, punch fisted by any one of the three in my new room, or being tortured with those excruciatingly wonderful super Huge dongs while in restraints, they eased off. I thought they were finally breaking me in, my asshole had lost all rectal control and I was hanging open, unable to clamp down. After ½ hour of constant punch fuckngs, they transferred me to a regular cell, where I was left to rot.  I had no idea how long I'd been there, timelessly being humiliated &/or rectally destroyed during almost every waking moment.  Once there, I saw one of the three once a night.  I got three squares a day, and an hour in an open area with the few dozen other fags that were there.
None of us talked to each other.  I napped when I was in my room; because I was still anal fisted and  dildo raped all night, every night.  I tried to figure out a way to get away. It was too much, even for Analboy  SURELY there was a way to get out of my cell & slip out into the dark...  when finally, I was kept in that cell & let commingle with the others, they let me have time out of my cell during the day, when I could read, watch TV, etc, in a community room with others who were undergoing 'treatment.' None of us talked about our 'treatments.' Thus, we had nothing to talk about.

My treatment?  Of course, a nightly rectal destruction to remind me of my place.  I was getting to enjoy it.  I found myself, against mywill, liking being fucked up the asshole all night every night until I lose rectal control from extreme width and depth.  I couldn't even remember what a girl was like, or when I'd last had one.  The days were endless rectal.  I had no idea how long I'd been there.  After what seemed like a couple of months had gone by, & the time was about where I was supposed to be going off to university, they started hinting that I was about done, (surprise, surprise; I was being just kept being fooled until it was time for school to start again).  I was learning my way around, as they didn't want to escort me everywhere.  Still, nothing happened, & the nightly rectal destruction continued, my asshole would not close properly anymore.  Fortunately, they hadn't done anything more imaginative since I'd been stuck in this room; one of the three rectal sadists just came into my room unannounced, held me down & tied me up, & then punch fisted my asshole me right there, or they'd they drag me on a leash to an exam room & destroy my rectal function and tear my assring in there.  To keep myself used to it, I used huge dildos on myself like they used on me, so I'd be loose & flexible constantly. 
A new male nurse come to work when Red suddenly left.  His replacement, a small, asian named Sonny, was a sadistic ass fister.  Since I was in Reds charge, Sonny too came over with a vengeance.  "Im gonna destroy you rectal fucntion over the next month" he grinned.  He took GREAT pleasure in raping my rectum with an lubed 11" x 4" pale & super squirmy dick.  The thing would choke you sucked on it, After a couple of weeks under his ravishment, I was going from a hanging Asshole to much & much looser.  After the asian pulled my first rectum to complete made me prolapse, I decided to my asshole would never be normal again. Steve came in one nightthrowing the blanket aside & just ramming his rod right up my asshole, super lubed, as usual.  A sharp pain shot through my sphincter as he irritated my Rectal tear.  He came in me.

   I don't know how long I was passed out from the Gin ; but I came around in a worse situation than ever before.  I regained my senses to find myself in a small cage.  I was bent on my haunches, there was barely enough room inside for me, bent forward on my hands & knees as I was.  There were steel support bars running the width of the cage right under my stomach & also along my torso under my armpits, propping up my ruined asshole fully exposed.  Another one held down in place at the small of my back, & I was bound down at the corners with my wrists & ankles in leather cuffs.  Another bar, wrapped in leather, ran the width of the cage & gagged me as I was forced to bite down on it to keep it from pushing my face in.  Damn sadistic masters.  He made all the others look like amateurs.  What the FUCK was he gonna do to me NOW?  I knew he was goona make a nother asshole tear, he demanded 4 total all around the rim.  "Okay, my little Asshole slut.  Resist me, will you?  You ain't even SEEN sadistic yet.  You will know what it means when I'm finally done with your rectum." I heard a slight metallic scrape along the thin metal 'bars' of the cage I was in.  Then.. OOOWOOOFFF!!!!  A medium sized buttplug made of metal, slathered in vaseline, popped up my asshole without warning.  It pulled out...  pushed in...faster...  FASTER...  OW!!O OOOHHH!!!!  Good...  Ow...  ow...  oohh...

The steel plug on a rod pistoned up my rectum past the plug's base & pulled out again...  felt good...  no it didn't...  yes...  no...  is this master torturing or pleasuring me?  My own body can't make up it's...  mind...  ohhh...  OOOOWWOOOO!!!!!  At last, the steel plug disappeared & another larger one, about 4" wide & twice as long, made of latex with a flexible base, took its...  place...  oohhphhh...  it plunged all the way in...  bending it's flaps & pushing all the way up my rectum with every push...  popping my anal ring hard before it pulled back... felt weird inside my asshole as the flaps bent in the other direction as the plug travelled out...  hurt...  so good....  loved it...  fuck my asshole, you bitch!!!  Forever the wide dilating, plunging, sphincter stretching, fast-blasting plowing went on...  the thing was covered thickly in vaseline & KY...   I was REALLY sloppy & loose now...  the plug disappeared, finally, after an eternity of blowing my asshole open as it punched in & out of my ring muscle...  the anal assault continued as he mounted his favorite super squirmy 11" x 4" dildo on the piston & turned the thing back on at full speed...  it's...  pounding hell...  out of my rectum!!!!  SOOOO GOOOOOOODDDD!!!!!
EFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCK....  FUCK....  FUCKKKK!!!!! MMMMEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  IT'S BATTERING!  WHAT A
Ring to death...  MY BLADDER...  GOTTA...  GOOOO.... 
as the ecstatic rectum-boring continued...  after a long while...  his favorite dong disappeared... 11 inches right into my colon bend BIIG...  OOOOOPHHHH!!!  SOOO...  GREASY....  TOOO...  BIIIGGG...  WON'T...
OOOOOWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I howled a high note in my head as a monster ramrod, 5" wide by 14" in length, super smooth, super soft latex, absolutely SLATHERED thickly over every inch with vaseline & KY pried my ass hole open, easily but not TOO easily....  loving that feeling of being stretched open, ruined permnently...  when the muscle's ready to give...& the monster bong's just before it starts pushing up...  push it...  PUSH IT...  OHHH...  SO BIG IN MY ASS...  FILL ME UP...  RUIN ME UP YOU BITCH!!! III LLLOOOVVE IIIIITTTT!!!!  My torture became delicious torment as I was filled up wonderfully, excruciatingly...  FULL....  SOOO MUCH MEAT UP MY ASSHOLE....  I just wrapped my rectum around that thick bole & just held on to it....  it slipped & slid in & out easily.  shit & lube was dripping down my legs in thick gobs...  my ass was covered in vaseline...  felt sooo... nasty...  loved feeling sooo nasty & debased...  a nasty, big up the asshole whore covered in thick anal lube...  love that dirty feeling when my whole anal ring is smeared with vaseline...I had lost all rectal control by now.
   The Master obviously noted I was enjoying that rectum ramming a little too much, for the dong went away...  was replaced by a BIGGGER....  one!!!  Two inches longer...  an inch WIIDERR...  OHHHMYASSHOLE!!!  I'm gonna look like I've got a cavern between my buns when this master is done with me!  Super hard that monster was....  slathered in goop...  slopping & schluupping...
boring & banging...  hitting my anal g-spot sooo...  harrd....  gonna... blow...  sexual electricity...  surrrginngg...  ohhhh...  OHHHH... OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! SONNNNNOOOFFFAAAAAAABBBIIIIIIIITTTTTCCCHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  A steam whistle blew in my head as the energy surges arcing between my ass channel & my loins surged heavily...  overloading... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My brain blew like a TV tube & I fell intodarkness...

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Biker Gang Fisted..Part 1

BIKER GANG BANG FISTED ....   Contacted by a biker gang leader, i was hired to put out anally with fists/dildos and fuckings from 4 men. I ...