Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Anal Torture Part 2


   I came around to find myself out of the binds; but in another predicament. I was in a chain rig in a dark room, my ankle cuffs attached to hard point rings in the floor, my wrists now bound behind my back, & were attached to a chain hanging down from the ceiling...  bent over with my asshole sticking out & open for anything, as always....  couldn't move an inch...  and he's got me open for some deep & hard boring...  I felt yet more vaseline & KY occupying my asshole in massive amounts...  my asshole felt like it was filled with the stuff, & it was running down my legs...Shane appeared...  in the shadows, he wore...  EEEEPPP!!!!  A MONSTER ROCKET!!!  It was over two feet long!!!  Looked like 5 inches wide!!!, the size of a softball diameter Bigger than anything he'd used on me yet!  It, too, was COVERED in KY!!!  MAN!  THIS bitch LOVES greasy asshole fucking!!!  "Take THIS!!!" OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!  My mind cried out as he heaved the mega-meat against my ruined asshole....  NNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! STRRRETTTCCHHIIINNNNGGG.....
GOOOESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!  The massive ultra rectum destroyer dilated my
Rectal chute it's widest yet & drove up my asshole with
OOOOWWWOOHHHH....  Like the depraved master in heat he was, Shane
jackhammered that asshole mutilator, relentlessly wrecking my rectum as it's meaty head drove deeper...  DEEPER...  I'd never felt soo...  FULLL...  & I'd
felt full before...  sooo much dickmeat...  filling up my cavity...  the tree
trunk touched my upper ring & prodded...  PRODDED...
OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I exploded cum like an atom bomb as he continued to stretch my analring with every thrust, pushing deeply into my rectal cavity, strrettchiiingg.  my colon bend open...  & impaled me on close to a foot of the fake meat...  finally, when he had as much of it up my asshole as he could get in there, he held it in place & just grunted & rooted it around, working my insides over as he fucked me without actually pounding hell out of me...  soo...ammaaazzinnng...  nnyyrrgg....  NNNYYRRGGHH...  OHHMMIIGOODDNOO!!!  MASTER!EASY!  YOU'LL PULL SOMETHING OUT!!!, I started to prolapsed again  The master was now not only blasting
into me using every ounce of energy he could muster as he heaved into my
asshole with his hips, he was yanking out as hard as he could! OOOWWOOOFFF!!! OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!  He'd dislodged it from my rectum colon yet again.  It felt like he was trying to pull half my guts out with it!

   "You liked that too much.  If that didn't do it, this will!" My
over-dilated rectum felt a thick wooden shaft explode through my loose
rectum lodging right into my colon bend onj the first stab...  stars spun before my eyes...  again..  THE FUCKING BASTARD RUINED ME AGAIN!!!
Mounted a over sized thick baseball bat to a masturbating piston &...  the thing... pounding...  battering my anal ring muscle, mutilating it immediately...  hurt so good...  I howled... howled a strident "OH-OH!  oWOH-Oh!!" endlessly that could have been pleasure or pain...  too much...  gonna...  overload...  analgasm...  little bald cock shooting all over the place...  if something...  doesn't burst...  my cries climbed the scale...  such exquisite torture up my colon now, the relentlessly  hard unforgiving bat was straightening out my colon bend constantly...  I saw red & blacked out...   I came to a long time later in the bed.  "Well, you withstood one hell of an anal devastation, didn't you?" Red was back.  "You're going to be fine." said Sonny.  "Shane will be SEVERELY reprimanded for this.  We'd fire his, but...  I'm sure you can guess why.  Relax, you're going to need some invasive exams before we cut you loose." Loose?  How loose?

   After the extreme ring muscle abuse I'd just gotten, the tests were
wonderfully...  humiliating...  debasing...  & too...  small...  all but
one, that is.  Red made me bend over, stuck three fingers up my asshole &
made me grip them with my ring muscle,nothing.no grip, then he added his other two fingers, closed up & fisted me hard.  I barely gripped his wrist like loose rubber band that lost its elasticty...  it felt soo...good...  he patted my bottom with his other hand & eased out.  "Baby, you have just been forcibly turned into a big pole up the Anal slut.  Let's see how you like a over sized cylindrical scope." He got a beer can sized brassy cylinder with a lens in one end & a power cord hanging like a tail, along with a small headset like cord that he plugged into an outlet in a computer nearby.  He turned on a video app on the computer, plugged the power cord into the wall socket, & activated the thing from the computer... a light came on in the lens...  & he plugged the thing into my rectal chute. It slid up easily.  He left it up me & squirmed it around, looking for injuries to my lower reaches.  Everything looked good, as I could see on the monitor.  "Okay, he may not have hurt you, but it seems you lost all ability to tighten up your asshole, but we need a higher look, & you need a cleaning out.  Got lots of grease up there." He had me lie down in a lounge chair, then he gagged me, belted my wrists & ankles to it, & put sexy leather covered headphones over my ears, playing arousing rhythms from the stereo nearby.  Then, he used a foot-long tube syringe to inject a large amount of KY & Vaseline into my chute, beyond my upper sphincter.  He THEN filled my cavity with vaseline by hand, emptied two tubes of KY into my rectum, & then...  in front of me were two large plastic tanks, each looking like they could hold about ten gallons.  One was full of soapy water, the other one was empty.  Large, firm plastic tubes ran from the tanks to...  a huge dildo!!  It wasn't as wide as the ones Shane had inflicted upon me; this one was about 4" wide, but 19" long!!  Flexible, but firm, veiny-latexed...  A real colon snake!! Red picked it up & showed it to me.  "This dildo is actually a proctoscope & colonic nozzle in one.  This bump here, on the head, that's a camera with a light mated to it.  It can see through the latex with ease, & give us a clear picture of your colon, the signal goes back along this fiber-optic line to my computer.  These outlet holes here & here...  just on each side of the camera...  this one lets water in, & the other one sucks waste out." He strapped it on, covered it thickly, from tip to balls, with vaseline & KY, & then stepped up after first turning on the scope's monitoring software...  he in...serrrted...  ohhhHHH!!  I blasted off as that huge, butt-pleasing dork drilled slowly up my colon...  squirmed...  oooooohh...  past my curve..  rose high into my lower...  and an ATOMIC orgasm blew through my body as the balls bumped home & nestled in the anal ring area...  I never even noticed the cramping in my guts as water washed in & rinsed excess lube away...  all I knew was that rectum-filling tree trunk...  after a while, it slid out...  noooo... don't take it out...  I like it...  "You're all clean, everything looks okay.  Lie here for a bit & recover, 'Sonny?" He left the room.

   I knew where I was.  I was in the same exam room they'd taken me to when
I first came here.  Coincidence?  Too good to be true?  Lo & behold, Red
had left a set of scrubs on his chair for me.  I got up, put them on, crept
to the door, & peeked out.  No one around.  I slid out & closed the door
behind me.  Down the corridor...  corner...  another...  another...
almost...  there...  past the reception desk...  no one hardly ever down
here...  except when...  "HEY!  BITCH!  Where do you think YOU'RE going?"
Shane was at the desk, Your asshole needs more damage!.  I hadn't seen his.  He was obviously waiting for a new victim to arrive.  "Away from YOU!" I moved in fast, swung a fist at his jaw & the other one into his stomach.  He doubled up & fell to the floor.  I ran.  Surprisingly, just after I got out of sight, an alarm sounded.  He'd been able to get back up.  I heard his footfalls as he pounded after me.  I got outside...  away from the entrance...  in the bushes...  lie low until he goes back inside...  raining...  YANK!!  "GOT YOU!" Stars flew...  I reached out & grabbed hair...  "BITE ME, SADIST!" Another punch to my face...  I fell...  out of his coat fell his favorite Monster strap-on...  "Even getting caught, it'll be worth it!" He strapped it on while I lay stunned, ripped my panties off from under my jeans...  pulled some vines from where they grew nearby & tied my hand & foot before I was aware enough to offer resistance... & then He stood his up against a tall tree, too off his pants, & mercilessly screwed his favorite toy up his asshole, well lubed.  I wrapped my legs around his, braced myself, & RAMMED..  RAMMMED...  RRRAAMMMEDDD... "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then,,,,

   "Hold it right there." Hospital security guards, from the regular
medical wing, stood there, with Sonny & Red in tow.  I stood still.
"Going to give us trouble, too?" John asked.  "No.  You should know
better than that," I replied.  "I thought so.  You can leave us alone,
gentlemen." The guards left.  "You gave his what he deserved.  But, you
can't do that to ANY anal slut, no matter how deserving they are.
You'll have to be...  SEVERELY...  punished..." I felt a needle in my
arm... sleeepyy...

   I awoke in Johns dungeon.  "I hope you've learned to adore a huge
stiff one up your rectum, because otherwise this punishment will be pure
torture." I was bound, shoulders & legs to the frame with my head down, just like when they gave me that first enema.  My still loose asshole was crammed to the gills with vaseline...  I didn't know what...  OOOOOOPPPHHH...  BIGG...  SMOOTH...  A meaty headed dong, the size of the one Shane jammed in me that I'd adored so much...  dilated me WWIDDELYY again...  OOOOHHHHYEAAAHHH!!!  LOVE THAT STRETCHINGGG!!  GOING... UUUHHHPPP!!!!  FUUUUCKKK!!!  It PLUNGED up, (or should that be downward?) into my rectum...  withdrew..  PLUNGED!!...  withdrew...  UPPP!!!...  out...UUUHHUUUPPP!!!...  out...  for what seemed like days to me I blissed out on that maximizing dong as it slipped & slid soooo wonderfully...  fatly.. fulll...  up my asshole over & over & again & again, I was sooo loose...  I loved it...  didn't want it to EVER stop...  at some point, I marshalled my wits about me enough to come down off my dirty orgasmic high & looked at the nearby clock...  it's been drilling my asshole for two hours!!!  HOLY COW!!!  They regreased it every so often, to make sure it & I didn't get dry...  much later, it went up & stayed put...  I gripped it mightily with my ass muscles, with no use, I had lost all rectal control & just held on & rode it...  grunting sooo pleasurably around it... just lived on that pole...  how long I held it in, I don't know...  awww... don't go...  I was undone...  lifted erect...  chained at the back, to hold me upright...  the wonderful dong was replaced by a HUGE buttplug...  nearly a foot long...  5" wide...  flexible base...  thick with vaseline... OOOWOOOO!!!!  The ramrod pistoned up again..  flared my hole open...  dilated...  & the plug popped through, easily!  The rod kept pushing... OOOOOOWOOOOOWWOOOOOWOOOOWWWOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!  OOOOOOOPPPPHHHHH!!!!  The thick base flaps, resisting until now, bent...  & it went all the way up!!! Fully fucked by the plug!!  OHHHHHMIIIGAAAWWWDDDSOOOGOOD....  FUCK MY ASSHOLE... PLUG MY CAVITY...  I just wrapped myself around the plug & hung on as I was forcibly dilated ever looser with each push & pull.

   After quite a while of that, it, too, disappeared...  "I was getting to
like...  oWOOO!!!" The plug was replaced by another monster rocket!
Another one just like Shane's...  the 13"x 5" super hard & smoothly
bumpy...  slathered in anal grease...  It slid up....  HHHAAAARRRDDD!!!!!
OOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It slipped out again...
fast...  It began battering my anal ring...  faster...  faster...  really reaming... ramming...  splaying my rectum open...  bored upward to my very center... hammered away at my colon bend...  I gripped it with my ass muscles, with no grip left...  it was tickling my anal g-spot...  stroking every nerve ending...  I milked it with my rectal walls...  sooogooodSOOOOOGOOOOD!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (KAAA-BOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) MY
Cock exploded but was milked dry around the MONSTER up my asshole...  I felt... sooo...loose...  in more ways than one...  'wind...roaring...  through my Gapped  cavern...  falling...  turned loose?  .' A super smooth asshole dong was lowered on a hydraulic crane...was raised up into my sloppy rectum...  lifting me...  gonna rip my ring!...weight shifting...  crane lifting...  I was lifted off the floor about three feet, the dildo up my asshole following along...  up a foot...  dildo up all the way until it was almost lifting me...  up on the hook....  dildo up...  until I was three feet up...  my legs were being lifted...  being raised horizontally...  dildo still up my asshole...  going along with me...  must be on a hinged crane or something....  shouldn't be able to do that...hey, where's it...  gone...  put it back!  I liked that one!!  My legs angled down a little...  felt a nub behind me...  just like that long dildo-scope...  I was angled for maximum penetration!!!  That things gonna...  go...  UUUPPP!!!!  My mind just blew into orgasmic overload as that foot & a half long, 4' wide dong bored...  up...  banging...  drilling my colon slowly...  spinning soooo...  slowwllyy...  & snaked it's entire length up my asshole and into the colon...  hung there forever, it seemed....  that long dick up my ass holding me in place...  woowww....  love this HUMONGOUS presence up my rectum...  just wrapped around it...  could live like this forever, just blissed out around the massive, all dominating presence up my rectum... hey... it's going down...  WHOOAAA!!!  The thing pulled all the way out, & then the penetrating piston just abruptly started pounding the foot from
the head down along the trunk up my asshole...  banging hard against my anal
g-spot...  stroking every rectal muscle...  every wall...  every nerve ending...more energy surging than ever before!!!  SCHTUPPINGG...  my chute channel...to new orgasmic heights...  endorphins...  suurrrgginnng....  I tried to hang on...  couldn't...  couldn't even ride...  just had to let it bang up my asshole...  I tried to wrap my muscles around...  milked it...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ................  I felt a nasty anal
eruption...  ..  needing to comemmm
needing to piss...  water everywhere...  letting everything go as I
let out a big piss stream

   I awoke some time later...  I was in a van...  dressed...  a fat
expanding plug lodged up my rectum...  a bag that hadn't gone with me to that
place was beside me on the seat...  I looked in it...  it held plenty of
clothes I'd never seen...  looked nice...  looked like they'd fit me
well... one each of the four long &/or thick dongs I'd ADORED having
pounded up my ass...  two envelopes...  one full of $100 bills, & another
with a Visa card with my name on it...  a note...  "There's nothing more we

can pound into you that hasn't been already...  Good luck..." 


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