Thursday, April 21, 2022

Damage my Asshole Please!


Analboy gasped at the enormity of the question, and all his instincts told him to stop this madness before it went any further, but the anal lust coursed through his veins, and the huge suggestive power of Teddy’s voice was so deeply imbedded in his new sexuality, that he found himself nodding in compliance, as the throbbing in his chest seemed to pulse in agreement, as if it it-world were trying to tell him that this was a good thing.

I need you to ask me for the camera, slut continued Teddy. Ask me to break your asshole forever with my fist, and the decision is irreversible
Sweating with emotion, the suspended slut hesitated only briefly before gasping,
" Please mutilate my slut asshole with your fist, Master."
As the other brothers nodded in approval, Winston, who was watching his asshole closely, was pleased to see the rose bud open involuntarily as he spoke, causing his brutalized sphincter to gape openly like a baby chick waiting to be fed.

Smiling, Teddy asked Ceebert to prepare him, and he wheeled a gurney to the stirrup end of the room. On the gurney lay four 200ml syringes, fitted with needles that ranged in length from a fairly innocuous 1 inch to a truly scary looking 6 inches.
As Ceebert slowly charged each syringe with the same cellular relaxant that now flowed through his cock, Teddy explained to the slut that they would give her rectum a little help in its transition into a fully-fledged tunnel.

As her wonderful anus pouted and winked at him, begging for input, Ceebert picked up the first, shortest syringe and slowly injected a little of the fluid at a time in a circle around the puckered line where asslips stopped and sphincter began. Little by little, he infused his anal wall with the elixir, and, as it relaxed and opened a little more as the slut’s conditioning converted the pricking sensation into pleasure  he moved the needle a little deeper into his bowel, and ,working in circles, slowly progressed into his rectum, injecting ring after ring of the magic fluid into hiis  back passage. As the slut’s gasps grew more enthusiastic, he reached the point where the shoulder of the syringe was as far into his anus as it would go, and withdrew the now empty one, and reached for the next, longer one.
Repeating the process, he slowly discharged the second 200ml into her anal wall, and Sarah felt a build up of pre-orgasmic spasming build in her abdomen, as his colon experienced and savoured this new, scratching, burning sensation that slowly invaded him.  As he withdrew the second empty syringe, Ceebert realised he was now close to the natural bend in his rectum, and decided on a speculum to assist in the last two treatments- after all, the final, 6 inch needle would mean that he was injecting the bowel wall almost a foot inside him.

Gently easing a shining steel speculum into the hungry orifice, he ratcheted it wide enough for the syringe body, enjoying the moan that accompanied it, and, savouring every push of the plunger, injected the rest of the first foot of his colon wall with the liquid that would bring about it’s ruination.
As they gave the relaxant time to work, Teddy slowly removed all the bling from his massive right hand. He rolled up his sleeve, and removed his gold Rolex. Turning to the door, he nodded to Winston, who opened it and beckoned Leroy to re-enter. As he came into view, it became apparent that he was holding a leash. Behind him padded an obedient john, who wore a black version of Analboy’s mating collar around his neck, emblazoned with the word SLUT in studs.
"Slut John has been invited to join us this evening, Analboy. He will assist me with your dilation, and if he pleases me, he may well be joining us on a regular basis, to tear your asshole even more, on a regular basis, like a job". explained Teddy.Masters chose for John to be involved, then it must be with good reason.

Teddy held his right hand up in the air in the manner of a surgeon who has just scrubbed up. John obediently approached Analboy, kneeled before him, and then obediently pulled a black latex disposable glove over his massive fingers, easing all the way on until the wrist band snapped tightly in place. Picking up a KY dispenser, he pumped three generous squirts into his large white hands, and then slowly, almost lovingly coated the glove with lube until it shone. Seeing Teddy nod in approval, he then, on Winston’s instruction, took the dispenser over to the horizontal asshole slut. Trembling with excitement, he aimed the nozzle into the gaping, asshole that once was his rosebud, and pumped around half of the bottle into his anal canal. Following Winston’s signals, he the anointed his own dainty white hand liberally with KY, and slowly eased it into the slut’s hungry asshole, gasping with pleasure at the velvety texture , "Oh mY rectum!" he said, as the well stretched muscular ring easily gave way and embraced first his fingers, then as he pushed gently, his knuckles, and finally, with a plop, his fat wrist. Analboy, already half way to orgasmic delirium, moaned out loud as his bowel muscles automatically gripped the big intruder, and John squealed with pre orgasmic pleasure of his own as he felt his workmate’s colon grip his wrist urgently. Following Winston’s guidance, he worked his hand in and out of the passageway, massaging the lube into the walls until the whole orifice was slippery, slack and ready.

This done, he very reluctantly withdrew from Analboy’s body, noting that the anus only half closed as his hand exited. Beside himself with erotic excitement, the trembling slut John withdrew out of view and settled in to watch the main event that was about to happen before him, he asshole as about to be mutilated.
As the lighting was rearranged so that every part of the stretching process would be clearly visible on the web-cast and videoed too, Teddy walked slowly up to the suspended analslut, and, with a nod from Winston that told him everything looked good onscreen, he started his destruction of Analboys Rectum
As he slipped the first of his fingers into the loose, slippery hole, Analboy immediately knew that this was different. John’s whole hand had been smaller than some of the cocks that he now craved to have in his ass on a daily basis-i

He felt like a ritual sacrificial offering as the second huge black digit popped into his sphincter, and as they gently opened him in readiness for the third, he started to panic. Teddy noticed his assring  clenching back at him in fear, and spoke soothingly to him, reminding him that this was his destiny-to be of true value and purpose, it was necessary for him to be modified as he saw fit. "We are gonna punch the shit out your asshole, daily, all 3 of us.  You will lose all rectal function" Only this way could he be truly rehabilitated as a black cock slut. His words had the desired effect, and the Complyormone surged through his psyche once again, as Teddy felt his asshole relax and he easily slipped the third finger in. The fourth went in less easily, and sweat broke out on Analboys  brow as it finally plopped past the ring of muscle.

Four of Teddy’s fingers were a massive intrusion- at least as big as anything his  rectums had accommodated to date, and his assring was probably stretched fully four inches wide already. He felt he had reached his elastic limit, and it was only Teddy’s constant soothing words that stopped him from panicking wildly at the prospect of the knuckles and thumb that must follow. Teddy sensed that he was struggling to keep a grip on it; also he realized that his sphincter had indeed reached it’s elastic limit. Time to tear his assring!. Even one of Analboys enormous capacity for change had limits. It was time for the relaxant serum to do it’s thing.

Not waiting any longer for Analboy’s fears to grow, he tucked his thumb into the tortuously stretched sphincter muscle, and then gave a slow but mighty push. His hand belonged in his rectum, they both knew that and as his massive knuckles finally ripped through the barrier, Tearing his ring, he screamed!, Analboy felt his assring tear near his Taint. and, tenderized by the serum, the fabric of his anal wall changed shape forever. Teddy quite literally ripped him a new asshole, and as his massive fist triumphantly entered his rectum, he felt his new sphincter close not all that tightly around his wrist, as the slut screamed loudly and passed out.

Taking advantage of his unconsciousness, Teddy continued his journey into his colon, pushing firmly enough for his giant ham to stretch his bowel wall into it’s new permanent girth, but not firmly enough to do any actual damage. It took him a little while to navigate around the rectal bend, but he managed it, and, just as he entered his colon proper, and half of his forearm was embedded in his new asshole, Analboy regained consciousness. Even whilst out of it, her drug assisted conditioning had been functioning at a sublimal level, and he awoke to the sensations of what seemed like a whale in his asshole and fire in his  nuts, he realized that his transformation was actually nearing completion.
Giving up entirely to the waves of what she now considered pleasure, Teddy felt his back passage massage his forearm urgently, and he wriggled enough to make his  accept his bicep. Spiraling rapidly into his second anal super-orgasm of the procedure, he screamed out to his Master, begging him to stretch his asshole more and more, tear my ring again, until he was proud of the results. Teddy responded by pistoning his forearm in and out of his forever distended back passage, as he gave one last scream of ecstasy before lapsing into unconsciousness again, this time happy at his modifications.
By the time he came round, he had been released from suspension, and Teddy had replaced his bling and watch, and was immaculate once again. He had been placed gently in the dentist’s chair, and his legs placed in the stirrups. As he came too, he felt an unfamiliar glowing in his belly, and knew that he had pleased her Masters with her new asshole.

Ah-welcome back to reality slut boomed Teddy.  And congratulations on your new improved asshole. You have done well, and your reward is the rest of the week off work in order to adjust to your new body. I think you’ll be quite pleased with your new  balls too, we removed them, Looking at the cameras, he saw with surprise that the broadcast was still live.

It is still vital that you please all black men with your asshole, slut. Your wonderful new asshole means that there is no limit to what you can accommodate now-but some masters still like it tight, so we have decided


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