Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Shafted at High Speed

Two guys had me on my back legs high, Punching the hell out of my asshole with that dong for an entire hour straight. Violent Aggressive Plunging in my big asshole, as fast and hard as possible. When one man would get tired, the other took over and just kept nailing it, my little bald cock swinging from the thrusts. My asshole was not functioning normal for a while after that session.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cock? Looks like a piss straw. You don't need a cock.

Biker Gang Fisted..Part 1

BIKER GANG BANG FISTED ....   Contacted by a biker gang leader, i was hired to put out anally with fists/dildos and fuckings from 4 men. I ...