Saturday, November 18, 2017

Dr Lay- Anal Sadist Part 2

Dr Lay- Anal Sadist Part 2

Analboy moaned and twisted his tightly closed hands around the handles. Dr. Lay let the cone drive in further. After a few seconds he drove the cone slightly back and reduced the pressure on Analboy's anus. Analboy sighed with relief, but after a short period time, Dr. Lay restarted the process and the cone was again pressed into Analboy. Analboy took a deep breath and bore down to open up his Anal ring. The expander went in further than the previous time. Analboy exhaled noisily and groaned heavily. Dr. Lay again turned the controller and the cone went deeper into Analboy's intestines. Analboy again pressed his asshole to near prolapse to support his expansion. Dr. Lay increased the pressure with which the cone expander drilled into Analboy. Analboy cramped and let out a groaning sound. Bobby watched stunned and was breathing intermittently. This extreme anal stretching of his slut totally enthralled him.

Analboy let out moans of pain as he lost all rectal control and Dr. Lay stopped the stretcher briefly. Push! he commanded. Analboy took a deep breath and pushed as hard as he could. Dr. Lay immediately turned the controller and the motor started. Again the expander sank deeper into Analboys rectum and widened his asshole even more. When Analboy exhaled, Dr. Lay stopped the feed, but let the stretcher rest in the position reached. You have almost made it, Dr. Lay said. You must now push with all your might, then I will press the expander in completely. Are you ready? he asked Analboy.

“Yes, damage my anal ring”, Analboy breathed between his heavy breaths.

Dr. Lay picked up the controller and said sternly: Push! Analboy took a deep breath and pushed. Dr. Lay turned the motor on a level. The expander sunk deeper and deeper into Analboy's rectal cavity. Bobby held his breath. That is totally crazy! he thought. More and more of the expander disappeared into him . Analboy let out a hiss. Go on, push! ordered Dr. Lay. Analboy moaned briefly, took another breath and pressed his rectum out wide. Dr. Lay gave more pressure, and slowly the expander pushed itself with its full 4 inch diameter into Analboy's chute.

Analboy moaned loudly as the widest part passed his anal ring. Panting and sighing, he lay in his bonds, he had actually swallowed this tremendous cone!, probably ruining his asshole for good.
Bobby watched his asshole slut very excited. Amazing how cool that looks. The expander is so fat, he thought. Again, he felt something like pride for his asshole slut.

After about a minute, Dr. Lay withdrew the stretcher out to about halfway out of Analboy's rectum. Analboy sighed in relief, but Dr. Lay returned to the feed immediately and told Analboy to push again! Slowly the huge device drilled into Analboy. This time, Dr. Lay inserted it slowly but steadily. Among Analboy sighs and moans of pain the cone again disappeared completely. As before, the process was repeated 10 times. This enhances the training and rectal breakdown, Dr. Lay said.
Bobby could clearly determine that it got easier from time to time, until his asshole slut finally showed hardly any sign of effort any more. He knew the anal ring was shot.

Well, Dr. Lay said to Analboy, You deserve a little break. Simone will now massage you a little bit, in a quarter of an hour I'll be back.

Little break? Bobby thought. So there's more to come? Crazy! The anal desires of his asshole slut appeared almost fathomable.

Simone dried the sweat off Analboy and then took some massage oil. He massaged his tensed muscles and Analboy relaxed rapidly, although his position was kept unchanged and also the stretcher was still inside his rectum. When Simone also massaged his cock he moaned with joy.
Just after a quarter of an hour, Dr. Lay appeared again in the treatment room. He smiled to Bobby and sat down at the control panel. In the meantime Simone's colleague had prepared another expander, that in Bobby eyes already had truly menacing proportions. Ok, Analboy, said Dr. Lay, on we go with the next size. The next cone on the program is 4.5 inches. Analboy sighed softly and closed his fingers around the handles.

The expander approached Analboy's Prolapse. The at least 7 inches of the tip slid inside with almost no resistance. Again Analboy pushed his asshole out and Dr. Lay increased the pressure more and more. Step by step, the machine did its work, and Analboy's massive asshole was dilated more and more. Now Dr. Lay had to stop the feed quite often since Analboy gave sounds of significant pain from him. His moans became louder and louder as the expander disappeared deeper into his rectum. Finally, with much sighing and whining, he had taken even this 4.25 dilator fully inside him. Bobby was amazed. This is just crazy what's going on, he thought.

After the usual ten times of repeated insertion the expander was changed again. Should this go on forever? Bobby could not believe it. Like yesterday, he was almost fearful for his asshole slut's well being. Nevertheless, he was excited in a peculiar way.

Well, said Dr. Lay, only one dilator more, then you have reached your goal for today, TOTAL RECTAL DESTRUCTION. Bobby relaxed a little, because as the assistant picked up the next cone, some bad feelings had taken hold of him. How can his asshole slut take it, without tearing his anal ring? During the insertion of the last expander he cried in pain and had requested Dr. Lay repeatedly to proceed more slowly. Well, fortunately only one more, Bobby thought.

‘Keep damaging my asshole!!, fuck it up for good, we are almost there’ Analboy moaned.

Bobby new Analboys was OK after that. They proceeded larger.

After that Analboy would be stretched to incredible 3-3/4 width. Madness! That his asshole slut could ask for such an extreme treatment, he had not even dreamed about this morning. He asshole would never return to normal again.

Dr. Lay began again with the insertion. This time, Analboy needed much more time until he had swallowed the expander completely into his cavity His pain and long-drawn moans slowly reached alarming proportions, his ring was about to tear, it was drum tight now. But it was clear to see that Analboy voluntarily underwent his own rectal destruction.

With this 3-3/4”  dilator, Dr. Lay penetrated Analboy's rectum 20 times to train the chute. Finally, Dr. Lay drove the stretcher completely out of his victim and stood up.
He went to Analboy's head and smiled to the sweaty analwhore. Well, how did you enjoy your treatment today? he asked friendly. You've really made an effort to open yourself up, he praised.
It was very cool, Analboy said. It feels so good when the dilator goes deeper and deeper in me and I finally feel the full diameter sliding inside me. I cannot get enough of that! he said in an excited voice.

Bobby was once again speechless. He had really enjoyed it? He could not understand his asshole sluts anal preferences, but it was still admirable how Analboy was able to motivate himself, to train his asshole probably quite often until he had reached this state.
Well, Dr. Lay said with a smile, you can come back anytime for anal training and ring breakdown, if you want.
Analboy was quiet for a moment, then he took a deep breath and said in a humble, quiet voice: I would like to ask you to ruin me a bit more now, if that's possible. Dr. Lay smiled and replied: So you have not had enough for today? No, I feel that I can go further, Dr. Lay replied.
What had his asshole slut just demanded? Bobby could not believe his ears. He wants more of this super extreme rectal destruction?

Even more torture? Even bigger things in his rectum? Bobby was totally stunned. He had never expected this, after all he had noticed how exhausting and probably painful the last two stretchers had been for Analboy. It took over an hour until the last 3-3/4” dilator had completely been put inside of Analboy! Again and again he had silently asked during severe moans of pain that Dr. Lay would slow down. And now he still wanted more? Bobby felt enormous respect for his asshole slut.

Ok, Dr. Lay said. Then we'll go back to the 3-1/4” dilator for you. Simone will massage you again so that you are relaxed when we widen your sweet ass up even more.

Dr. Lay left the room again and Simone smilingly wiped the thick drops of sweat from Analboy's forehead. Then both assistants began to massage Analboy; this, he welcomed with pleasure. Bobby was trying to organize his thoughts in this pause, but somehow he was overwhelmed with the masochism of his asshole slut. But nevertheless, he found the prospect of watching the further stretching of his asshole slut quite exciting.

Dr. Lay came back and went to Analboy. Are you ready? he asked. Yes, Analboy said, I feel relaxed again. You know that it will be even harder for you now, and you will suffer a lot, if I stretch you to even more extremes, he asked sternly.

I am willing to endure more rectal destruction, Analboy replied.

End of part 2, the brutal anal continues in Part 3, the finale.

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