Saturday, October 21, 2017

Damage that ring!


Every day this week my 2 AssMasters, just nailed my anal ring determined to break it down for good. By the time Friday came, I was so loose and open for them, Punching beer can thick dildos at all angle nailing my rectal walls. easily fisted. My little 4 inch bald cock rock hard and squirting off from anal, milking 2 loads with each session, no jacking required. Would would lose all rectal control 10~ 15 minutes into the sessions, and prolapse out on big dildo rip outs and closed fist yank outs,  My asshole wont be tightening up for a while, HOT!!

1 comment:

Analboy said...

Once it was over, I woke up the next morning still loose and open, I got a txt, assmaster 1 is coming at 8am to damage my ring again, then Assmaster 2 will do the sloppy asshole wrecking again at 2pm

Biker Gang Fisted..Part 1

BIKER GANG BANG FISTED ....   Contacted by a biker gang leader, i was hired to put out anally with fists/dildos and fuckings from 4 men. I ...